Front Porch Rocker


Betty Northcutt

Front Porch Rocker
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Front Porch Rocker
"If the world had a front porch, like we did back then...". These are the words to a country music song that rings so true! If only we would all take the time to sit back, rock a little on the front porch and visit with the neighbors and family, perhaps we wouldn't be so stressed! I feel more relaxed just thinking about it! This image is COPYRIGHT REGISTERED~~ALL RIGHTS RESERVED~~MCN:CDCGH-BYJ3J-WFFRG
Ffooter ::
February 24, 2011
Wonderful B&W!

bettynorthcutt ::
February 24, 2011
And again...thank you so much, Frank! Evidently, you have been wondering around my galleries :) Now, it's my turn to explore yours!

Ffooter ::
February 24, 2011
Yes, your sepia toned prints caught my eye.

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